Call for Abstract

International Conference on Biomarkers and Cancer Targets, will be organized around the theme “A Lifesaving Mission to end Cancer Forever”

Cancer Targets 2019 is comprised of 16 tracks and 67 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Cancer Targets 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Cancer biomarkers can be DNA, mRNA, proteins, metabolites, or processes such as apoptosis, angiogenesis or proliferation. The markers are produced either by the tumor itself or by other tissues, in response to the presence of cancer or other associated conditions, such as inflammation. Such biomarkers can be found in a variety of fluids, tissues and cell lines. "A biological molecule found in blood, other body fluids, or tissues that is a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease. A biomarker may be used to see how well the body responds to a treatment for a disease or condition. It is also called as molecular marker and signature molecule.


  • Track 1-1Diagnostic (screening) biomarker
  • Track 1-2Prognostic biomarker
  • Track 1-3Stratification (predictive) biomarker

Targeted therapy is the foundation of precision medicine. It is a type of cancer treatment that targets the changes in cancer cells that help them grow, divide, and spread. As researchers learn more about the cell changes that drive cancer, they are better able to design promising therapies that target these changes or block their effects. In cancer, a type of treatment that uses drugs or other substances to target specific molecules involved in the growth and spread of cancer cells. Blocking these molecules may kill cancer cells or may keep cancer cells from growing or spreading. Molecularly targeted therapy may cause less harm to normal cells and may have fewer side effects than other types of cancer treatment.


  • Track 2-1Trastuzumab
  • Track 2-2Erlotinib
  • Track 2-3Breast cancer
  • Track 2-4Lung cancer
  • Track 2-5Targeted Therapy versus Immunotherapy for Melanoma

Proteomics advancements are utilized for early discovery and finding of diseases for the improvement of novel restorative operators. Distinguishing proof of biomarker and furthermore the investigation of protein articulation of the disease are examined through proteomics stages. These investigations have prompted the advancement of finding new medications and focused on therapeutics towards the tumour cells. Identification, anticipation, finding and treatment of breast malignancy is presently conceivable with the headways in the field of proteomics alongside the utilization of mass spectrometry. The disclosure of the protein designs has empowered scientists to recognize the disease and disease free-state related with breast disease has been revealed with the improvement of proteomics advancements. This revelation prompts customized treatment for the patients. Proteins communicated or found in the serum, plasma and the tumour cells utilizing the novel procedures give a superior perspective of the heterogeneity of the diseases.


  • Track 3-1Genes and protein altered in cancer
  • Track 3-2Protein expression of cancer genes
  • Track 3-3Tumour biology
  • Track 3-4Leukaemia and lymphoma

Cancer epigenetics is the investigation of epigenetic alterations to the DNA of malignancy cells that don't include an adjustment in the nucleotide arrangement. Epigenetic changes might be similarly as vital, or much more critical, than hereditary changes in a cell's change to malignancy. A variety of compounds are considered as epigenetic carcinogens such as arsenite, diethylstilbestrol, hexachlorobenzene and nickel compounds. They result in an increased incidence of tumors, but they do not show mutagen activity.


  • Track 4-1DNA binding proteins
  • Track 4-2Histone modification
  • Track 4-3Genetic mutations
  • Track 4-4Tumour suppressor gene

Biomarker testing is at the centre of personalized medicine. The word "biomarker" refers to any of your body's molecules that can be measured to assess your health. Molecules can be obtained from your blood, body fluids, or tissue. Biomarker testing is a group of tests that looks for these molecular signs of health so that doctors can plan the best care. Biomarker testing may also be called "molecular testing" or "genetic testing" Biomarker tests can be divided into three groups: chromosome, gene, and biochemical. Each of these groups is described below. In addition, examples of each type of test are given.


  • Track 5-1Chromosome tests
  • Track 5-2Biochemical tests
  • Track 5-3Gene tests

A prognostic factor is an element of the malignancy (like the extent of the tumour) or a normal for the individual (like their age) that may influence the result. A predictive factor can help foresee if a malignancy will react to a specific treatment. A few medications just work if atoms, (for example, proteins) are on growth cells or inside them. These are some essential prognostic elements identified with the tumour: The sort of disease, The subtype of malignancy in light of the sort of cells or tissue (histology), The extent of the tumour, How far and where the malignancy has spread, How quick the malignancy cells are developing. Important predictive elements incorporate a few sorts of tumour markers, biomarkers and changes to chromosomes (hereditary transformations).


  • Track 6-1Human papillomavirus infection
  • Track 6-2Adrenal Carcinoma Prognosis
  • Track 6-3Lymphoma Prognosis
  • Track 6-4Basal Cell Carcinoma Prognosis
  • Track 6-5Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Prognosis

Cancer Molecular epidemiology is a branch of oncology and epidemiology that focuses on the contribution of potential environmental and genetic risk factors, identified at the molecular level, to the etiology, distribution and prevention of cancer within families and across populations. The goal of molecular epidemiology is to supplement and integrate existing methods. Molecular epidemiology of cancer studies molecular markers of distribution of malignant tumours in the population and their effects on individual risk of developing a disease. Molecular markers can be detected in tissues and biological liquids and characterize individual exposure to carcinogens, biological effect of the exposure, genetic susceptibility to the development of disease, and final result of carcinogenesis. Identification of specific somatic molecular and genetic changes, so-called fingerprints, is very important for the molecular characteristics of a tumour and confirmation of etiology.


  • Track 7-1Disease surveillance
  • Track 7-2Case series
  • Track 7-3Case-control studies
  • Track 7-4Prostate cancer screening
  • Track 7-5Prostate-specific antigen

Pathophysiology of cancer incorporates reason for the sickness, conclusion, how the infection creates, instrument and characteristic course of the illness. They additionally manage biochemical highlights, movement, and guess or result of the ailment. Pathology of tumours and other complex issue have experienced an ocean change after improvement of innovations like immunohistochemistry, stream cytometry, and sub-atomic biologic ways to deal with malignancy analysis. 


  • Track 8-1Genetic changes
  • Track 8-2Genomic amplification
  • Track 8-3Solid tumour parts
  • Track 8-4Translocation

With advances in technologies that understand cancers better, there is a rise of number of diagnostic tools that can help detect cancers. Once suspected, diagnosis is usually made by pathologists and oncopathologists and imaging radiologists. Diagnostic testing involves tests and procedures to confirm the presence of disease and identify the correct tumor type, location, extent and stage.

Authority medical attendants, ward medical care takers, Community medical care takers, Specialist palliative care medical attendants, Marie Curie Cancer Care Nurses are some of the various type of nurse cares available for the cancer treatment.  Authority attendants work primarily in doctor's facilities, however some give mind in the patient's home. They may have some expertise in a particular malignancy for instance bosom, lung, head and neck disease, or a specific treatment, for instance chemotherapy. Community attendants give an extensive variety of nursing care including helping patients when they leave clinic, taking out fastens, wiping wounds and giving out some prescription at home. Authority palliative care medical care takers have skill in overseeing torment and different manifestations, and can offer help for individuals with growth and their families. Marie Curie medical caretakers give hands on mind at home during that time or night, offering the carer a reprieve. They will have exceptional learning of palliative care.


  • Track 9-1Anticipatory grieving
  • Track 9-2Altered Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements
  • Track 9-3Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit
  • Track 9-4Sentinel node biopsy
  • Track 9-5Endoscopy
  • Track 9-6Bone marrow aspiration

The expulsion of cells or tissues for examination by a pathologist. The pathologist may ponder the tissue under a magnifying lens or perform different tests on the cells or tissue. There are a wide range of sorts of biopsy techniques. The most widely recognized sorts include: (1) incisional biopsy, in which just an example of tissue is evacuated; (2) excisional biopsy, in which a whole irregularity or suspicious zone is expelled; and (3) needle biopsy, in which a specimen of tissue or liquid is expelled with a needle. At the point when a wide needle is utilized, the strategy is known as a centre   biopsy. At the point when a thin needle is utilized, the methodology is known as a fine-needle goal biopsy.


  • Track 10-1Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
  • Track 10-2Endoscopic biopsy
  • Track 10-3Needle biopsy
  • Track 10-4Tumour Marker Tests

Cancer pharmacology incorporate investigations of the fundamental mechanism of signal transduction related with cell multiplication and apoptosis, the mechanism  of activity of anti-neoplastic specialists, the outline and revelation of new medications, essential components of DNA repair and DNA harm resilience and the advancement of novel techniques for quality treatment.


  • Track 11-1Human cancer cell lines
  • Track 11-2Genetic manipulation of cancer
  • Track 11-3Malignant transformation
  • Track 11-4Cancer cell proliferation

In medicine, a biomarker is a measurable indicator of the severity or presence of some disease state. More generally a biomarker is anything that can be used as an indicator of a particular disease state or some other physiological state of an organism. A biomarker can be a substance that is introduced into an organism as a means to examine organ function or other aspects of health. More specifically, a biomarker indicates a change in expression or state of a protein that correlates with the risk or progression of a disease, or with the susceptibility of the disease to a given treatment. Biomarkers can be characteristic biological properties or molecules that can be detected and measured in parts of the body like the blood or tissue. Biomarkers can be specific cells, molecules, or genes, gene products, enzymes, or hormones. Complex organ functions or general characteristic changes in biological structures can also serve as biomarkers. Although the term biomarker is relatively new, biomarkers have been used in pre-clinical research and clinical diagnosis for a considerable time.


The association between cancer prevalence and race, income, insurance, and education was estimated using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey   data from 1996-2007. The goal of this analysis was to provide some insight into how variations in race and socioeconomic factors influence the prevalence of cancer. This analysis was conducted for any cancer and for the four most common cancer sites i.e. lung, colorectal, breast and prostate. Initially, the model was estimated using MEPS data from 2002-2007 to include body mass index, exercise and smoking behaviour as predictors in the model. This data is not available in the MEPS for the prior years. We compared the results of our model with and without these variables and concluded that they did not confound the associations between cancer prevalence and race, income, insurance, and education. Therefore, we dropped these variables from the analysis and were able to expand our data to include the years 1996-2001. This increased the number of persons with cancer in our analysis and was important for our analysis of the four most common cancer sites.


  • Track 13-1Cancer-Causing Substances
  • Track 13-2Chronic Inflammation
  • Track 13-3Immunosuppression
  • Track 13-4Infectious agents

The financial costs of cancer are high for both the person with cancer and for society as a whole. The Agency for Healthcare research and Quality (AHRQ) estimates that the direct medical costs (total of all health care costs) for cancer in the US in 2014 were $87.8 billion.58% of this cost is for hospital outpatient or doctor office visits, 27% of this cost is for inpatient hospital stays. These estimates are based on a set of large-scale surveys of individuals and their medical providers called the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS).  One of the major costs of cancer is cancer treatment. But lack of health insurance and other barriers to health care prevent many Americans from getting optimal health care. According to the US Census Bureau, about 29 million people (9%) in the US were uninsured in 2015.The percentage of uninsured ranged from 3% in Massachusetts to 17% in Texas.


  • Track 14-1Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
  • Track 14-2Large-scale surveys of individuals
  • Track 14-3Agency for Healthcare research and Quality

A Biomarker is the organic particle found in blood, other body liquids, or tissues that is an indication of a typical or anomalous process, or of a condition or disease. A biomarker might be utilized to perceive how well the body reacts to a treatment for a malady or condition. Cancer biomarkers are arranged by their diverse capacities: Biomarkers that Trigger Cells to Grow and Multiply Abnormally, Biomarkers That Support a Treatment's Cellular or Molecular Action, Biomarkers That Disrupt a Treatment's Cellular or Molecular Action, Detecting and Measuring Biomarkers to Develop a Personalized Anticancer Treatment Plan.


  • Track 15-1Genomic Biomarker
  • Track 15-2Transcriptomic Biomarker
  • Track 15-3Metabolomics Biomarker
  • Track 15-4Drug activity Biomarker
  • Track 15-5Imaging Biomarker
  • Track 15-6 Proteomic Biomarker

Targeted cancer therapies are drugs or targeting specific genes or proteins which are found in cancer cells or in cells related to cancer growth, like blood vessel cells that block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules that are involved in the growth, progression, and spread of cancer. Molecularly targeted drugs or molecularly targeted therapies are sometimes come under Targeted cancer therapies. Many different targeted therapy types for cancer treatment are in available which are as follows.

Some targeted therapies like Cancer vaccines and gene therapy interfere with the growth of specific cancer cells are considered under targeted therapies. A candidate is determined whether a patient is for targeted therapy will have an appropriate target for a particular targeted therapy and will be treated. In case of CML: most patients have the BCR-ABL fusion gene and for other cancer types a patient’s tumor tissue must be tested to determine target is present or not. The use of a targeted therapy will be restricted to patients whose tumor has a specific gene mutation that codes for the target; patients who do not have the mutation will not be targeted.


  • Track 16-1Hormone Therapies
  • Track 16-2Signal Transduction Inhibitors
  • Track 16-3Gene Expression Modulators
  • Track 16-4Apoptosis Inducers
  • Track 16-5Angiogenesis Inhibitors
  • Track 16-6Immunotherapies
  • Track 16-7Toxin Delivery Molecules